“I qualified from Liverpool in 1977 (GND 51402). I then worked in Chester before starting Rock House Dental Practice in 1990. I have since spent the last 25 years building a team of like-minded professionals around my vision for Rock House. Creating a practice that focuses on prevention rather than cure. I enjoy all aspects of cosmetic dentistry and implantology.”

GDC Number: 51402

Damian Murphy

Make your dream smile a reality! Call us at 01244 332162 or make an appointment


Rock House Dental Practice,
Village Road,
Christleton, Chester,




Email Us
01244 332162

Open hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-5:30pm
Friday: 8:30am-1pm
Closed for lunch 12:40 – 13:55 (Mon – Thurs)

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